I dream that peace falls
like silent snow,

drifting into darkened corners,
dangerous corridors,

where hope struggles with ragged breath,

I dream of a fox resting in quiet slumber,

I dream of people crying
in sorrow,
in suffering,
in fear,

in places I’ve never visited
nor likely ever will,

I dream that peace falls,

I dream of a fox resting.

I dream of people,

I dream.

Photograph by Annalies Corbin ©2024
Website: annaliescorbin.photography
Instagram: @annaliescorbinphotography
Photo taken at Yellowstone National Park

8 responses

  1. The essence of life – sparingly and perfectly described.

  2. Rita

    I did not want your poem to end


    1. Thanks for your comment, Norton. It had a certain feel to it that felt complete to me. Sometimes, there aren’t enough words and sometimes there are too many.

  3. Rita,

    This poem is so beautifully tender! 

    Thank you,


  4. Beautiful words and phrasing. Hope and resignation. Lightness and sorrow combined. 

    1. Thank you. Life is a balance of so many complicated emotions.

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